China Domestic Accounts
China Domestic Account Access
Regulations in China require terminal software to collect local system information. All China domestic market participants accessing accounts at local futures companies (futures brokers) are subject to these regulations.
Collected system information is encrypted locally and transmitted to the futures company, who then transmits it to China Futures Market Monitoring Center (CFMMC) per "The Technical Specification for customer trading terminal information collection and access authentication of futures company." This specification is based on China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) "Announcement on Further Strengthening the Collection of Information on Customer Trading Terminals of Futures Operators" (CSRC Announcement No. 27).
CQG IC China Domestic Information Collection support
CQG IC versions 20.9.8004 and above support the local system information collection regulations using a separately installed plug-in. There is currently one plug-in available, and it is required in order to access a China domestic account via CQG IC. It contains the information collection library provided by the futures brokers and approved by CFMMC. When installed, the local system information will be collected, encrypted locally, and provided to each domestic account's broker upon connection. You will be not be able to access China domestic markets until this CQG plug-in has been installed.