
Unlock new opportunities through innovative tools

Discover how CQG helps fixed income exchange and liquidity partners unlock new opportunities by building smarter relationships with every client through branded and customized front-end software, RFQ systems for block trades, custom price publishing per group or customer, and our powerful matching core.

点击了解 CQG和交易所


The robust tools you need for sophisticated customers

Your customers focused on trading debt, be it cash or futures are very sophisticated. You need top-shelf risk management tools, account service management, and global connectivity to market data and exchanges to best serve these customers.

CQG offers a comprehensive suite of tools to manage customers and accounts, manage risk, provide Global DMA and professional desktop and mobile apps.

点击了解 CQG 和经纪商


固定收益的交易者可通过CQG访问并交易美国债券平台、加拿大债券和全球固定收益期货交易所。固定收益曲线交易员可以使用我们的服务器端套利和聚合功能执行yield curve plays, calendar, butterfly, strips, 和 packs等多种订单模式。

Learn more about CQG and Global Connections


CQG旗舰产品Integrated Client(CQG IC)可提供多种图表类型,上百种技术研究指标,可自定义的公式模型让您可以实现复杂的分析,回测和演算。您还可以使用公司的数据集在CQG中进行图表呈现和分析,CQG已实现与Microsoft Excel®高度集成,通过使用RTD功能实现即时分析、建模和交易。

点击了解CQG 分析功能

CQG 移动端产品



  • 通过触摸/脸部识别快速登陆
  • 信息及时推送
  • 实时报价,图表和分析功能
  • 简易使用的交易和订单管理功能
  • 服务器端bracket订单

点击了解 CQG Mobile